Vienna International School Newsletter - 19 August 

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Dear VIS families,

I would like to warmly welcome you to the 2022-23 school year at VIS! Our teachers and staff have been working hard to prepare the school for an exciting and productive year and we are looking forward to welcoming your children on the first day of school on Tuesday, 23 August.

I plan to communicate with you on a regular basis throughout the school year (more on this below), but first I would like to highlight two very important issues so that we begin the year ensuring the health and safety of our students. 



The traffic situation around VIS continues to be heavily impacted by the major construction project across the street, with very limited automobile access on Strasse der Menschenrechte. I would strongly suggest that students arrive to school by public transit or use the available bus service in order to limit the traffic congestion in front of the school.

For students arriving via U1 to Kagran, please use the exit at the Danube end of the platform, walk along the Botanical Garden side of Siebeckstrasse and cross at the pedestrian light at Strasse der Menschenrechte. This is by far the safest route to VIS. Students should follow the same path at the end of the school day to get to the Kagran U1 station.

Students arriving at Kagran station by bus or tram can walk along the construction side of Siebeckstrasse, exercising caution. This is currently a narrow temporary sidewalk that is not designed for large numbers of students. Please remind your children to look in both directions before crossing the bus and bike lanes.

If you do need to come to school by car, please consider using the garage at Westfield Mall (Donauzentrum) at Kagran and walk from there. There will be very limited space in front of the school for drop-off and short-term parking. The traffic from Siebeckstrasse has been reduced to one lane and has been converted to two-way traffic from Siebeckstrasse to the garage that is currently under construction, which will undoubtedly cause significant delays. Due to the construction project there is no parking on the construction side of Strasse der Menschenrechte.

This situation will evolve over time as the construction project nears completion, but please be aware of the current situation in order to avoid frustration and ensure our students’ safety and their prompt arrival to school. I greatly appreciate your patience and collaboration as we work to minimize the impact of the construction project on our school operation.


The local Austrian authorities are not expected to release any COVID regulations or guidance for schools until early September. However, in order to ensure the continued health and safety of our students, staff and families, we ask for your cooperation in respecting the following guidelines at the beginning of the school year, with the understanding that these may change over time as warranted to ensure the health of the VIS community and comply with government directives.

  • We encourage everyone to test before returning to school but we do not require the result.
  • Any positive cases must stay out of school until a negative PCR test is provided.
  • Students who come to school with symptoms will be sent home. Please do not send your child to school if they have any Covid symptoms.
  • Hand sanitizing stations will remain.
  • Social distancing is still encouraged.
  • Mask wearing is encouraged when in crowds or big groups, but is not required. Individual preference for general mask wearing.
  • No regular testing will be conducted by the school.

We will be updating these protocols as needed and thank you for your collaboration to ensure the continued health of the entire VIS community.

I believe that clear and consistent communication with the VIS community is essential and plan to do that through the regular newsletter, through podcasts and videos on specific topics of interest to the community, and in monthly on-line meetings to inform and update you on school issues. You will of course also be receiving extensive communications from your children’s teachers and from the principals related to specific activities in your child’s class, grade and section. Please review ManageBac and the weekly newsletter for regular updates and specific class information. I encourage you to contact your child’s teachers and/or principal with any issues, concerns or questions regarding your child’s education at VIS and feel free to contact me directly with any broader questions or issues.

I look forward to meeting many of you as we begin this new school year and thank you for your confidence in entrusting your children’s education to the outstanding staff at VIS.

Kind regards,

John Zuman



At the time of writing this, we are pleased to be welcoming 135 new students into the Primary School in August and are pleased to welcome them on Monday, 22 August for New Student Orientation Day. New families have been sent details about the orientation day from the Admissions Team which is also available on the Now What page.  

As a brief reminder, new families will meet either at the ELC Gate (ELC to Grade 1) or Octagon (Grade 2 to Grade 5) according to their staggered starting time:

  • Early Learning Centre (8:30 - ELC Gate)
  • Grade Primary (9:00 - ELC Gate)
  • Grade 1 (09:30 - ELC Gate)
  • Grade 2 (10:00 - Octagon)
  • Grade 3 (10:30 - Octagon)
  • Grade 4 (11:00 - Octagon)
  • Grade 5 (11:30 - Octagon)

Our New Student Ambassadors will be on hand to help guide students and their parents to their respective classes. 

The day is split up into three main activities:  

  • Meet the classroom and ELA teachers (approx. 30 mins); 
  • Meet the Counsellors and Learning Support Teachers (approx. 15 mins); 
  • Meet the German Team (approx. 10 mins); 
  • School Tour with the New Student Ambassadors (approx. 30 mins);
  • FOR SOME ELC FAMILIES ONLY: 1:1 induction meeting with the class teacher/grade leader if not already completed.

Our Primary Student Council has also helped prepare a guide for new students about things they enjoy doing in and around Vienna. Be sure to check it out here.

New Families Meet Primary Principals

New families are also welcome to attend meetings with the Primary School Principal and Deputy Principal in the first few weeks of school. These meetings are a chance to meet the Primary Leadership Team and to ask any questions and address any needs from transition to the Primary School. Further details to follow, but please note the dates below for your diary:

  • Friday, 2 September (08:30-09:30) - ELC to Grade 1 families
  • Friday, 9 September (08:30-09:30) - Grade 2 to Grade 5 families

ManageBac - the school learning platform

On Monday, 22 August at 00:00, the ManageBac, our learning platform, will open.

New parents will receive an automatic email from ManageBac and will be asked to confim their logins in 24 hours* from receiving the email. As soon as the new parents will confirm their logins (username and password), they will be able to access the platform and check out to see their children' schedule and other learning related details. Please find here a tutorial of ManageBac use for your information.

The Intranet - the school information platform

The VIS Intranet is an extended platform that hosts information regarding the school mission and beliefs, the governance structure, information about the curricular & extra-curricular offer and additional services.

How to access the VIS Intranet? Simply go to the VIS website and you can find the Intranet icon in the upper right side of the screen. Here you can find a direct link to it. To register in the Intranet, please use the same credentials (username and password) which you are using to access Managebac. However, please be adviced that the two platforms are independent from each other, so once you reset your pasword in one, the change will not automatically reflect in the second. Please find here a tutorial on how to navigate the school intranet.

Check out the school calendars & contacts

Yearly Calendar: To see the structure of the school year, please use the yearly calendar which can find on the school website as follows: or in the Intranet, in the Calendars shortcut on the homepage.

Google Calendar: For detailed information regarding the school upcoming events or activities, please feel welcome to check the Google Calendar which you can find in the VIS Intranet/ Calendars shortcut on the homepage: 

If you have concerns about matters that are not related to teaching and learning, please email the department which is relevant to the matter, see HERE the school contacts. 

The weekly newsletter - comes out every Friday and contains information regarding coming up school events, recent achievements and other school related information.

Message from the Principals

Dear Primary School Families,

As the Primary School Principals, we welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year and hope you’ve all enjoyed a pleasant summer holiday! We look forward to seeing our new students on Orientation Day, Monday, 22 August, and then all students for the first day of school on Tuesday, 23 August.


To help you prepare for a smooth transition into the school year, please read the information below carefully. We publish a parent newsletter every Friday which provides a summary of important information, events, and answers to questions you may have. You will also receive a weekly newsletter from the grade level teams that shares specific learning information from your child’s grade. Finally, we look forward to welcoming parents onsite throughout the year to take part in celebrations of learning and workshops that raise awareness about our programme and ways you can support your child’s learning. These are just some of the ways we will work to foster a strong and supportive home-school partnership this year.

Wishing you all a pleasant weekend in preparation for the new school year.

Your Primary Leadership Team,

Chad Wood, MEd, PhD - Primary School Principal, cwood(at)

Ben Hacking -  Primary School Deputy Principal, bhacking(at) 

On Tuesday, 6 September we would like to invite parents onsite to a Class Community Evening. The purpose of this event is for parents to meet their child/ren’s teacher so that an overview of the year can be shared. This event also provides an opportunity for parents to meet other parents within the same class and establish relationships moving forward. Further information to be published in next week’s newsletter.


The first official day of school is on Tuesday, 23 August.  

ManageBac will be open on Monday morning, 22 August to find out your child’s class teacher. You will receive an email notification confirming that the system is open to parents. If you experience difficulty logging in, please try using the ‘Forgot My Password’ feature to reset it.  Please check this information before coming to school. The class lists will also be posted on boards at the entry to school. Please do not take photos and share this with others.

We ask that your child arrive in the Lower Primary School Playground (ELC to G1) or Upper Primary School Playground (G2-5) between 08:10 and 08:25 (weather permitting - Dining Room if raining).Your child’s class teacher will meet them in the playgrounds and have a sign indicating their class code. They will line up with their class teacher. We will welcome them back and briefly review arrival and breaktime procedures before going inside.

All students will be dismissed at 14:55.  Students in ELC to Grade 2 will be led by their teachers to designated pick-up zones so that they may be released to a parent or authorized caregiver.  Please be sure to complete and return the ELC-G2 Pick-Up form that will be sent home with your child next week if you authorize someone other than yourself to pick up your child.  

Students in grades 3-5 may be picked up by the main gate or go home on their own.  

Those students who are being picked up by a sibling in Secondary School, taking the school bus, attending the Extended Day Programme, or waiting for a late parent/caregiver pick-up, will be brought to the Dining Room where they can be temporarily supervised.

See Arrival and Dismissal Information below for maps and information table to assist.


Attendance Policy

Regular attendance and punctuality are known to be factors for success in learning and play an important role in student achievement and well-being.  As such, we ask all families to start the year off right by building routines at home that allow their child(ren) to get to school regularly and on time - no later than 08:30.

Providing a reason for absence: It is the responsibility of parents and caregivers to support students in attending school regularly and punctually and to communicate reasons for absence on ManageBac. The School monitors attendance and punctuality and asks all parents to provide information related to absence according to the following guidelines:

  • Attendance excusals should be submitted using ManageBac before 08:30.
  • When submitting an excusal, please select the number of days of absence. For absences less than one day, select the ‘1 day’ option and use the comment section to explain. 
  • It is not necessary to provide full details of the reason; a brief summary is sufficient (e.g. “Jane will be absent for health reasons”)
  • The School cannot accept emails to teachers or emails or phone calls to the Primary Office as not all staff can access needed information to ensure student safety (ex. the teacher is away and the substitute does not receive the information).

You will be contacted by the Primary Office if your child is not at school during registration time and there is no reason for absence indicated on ManageBac. Please find below a tutorial on how to submit an Attendance Excusal on ManageBac.

Arriving late to school: If a student arrives late to school (after 8:30), he/she needs to sign his/her name and class on the list outside the Primary Office. Information from this list is then transferred to ManageBac.

Requesting time away from school: Although we recognise an occasional need to be away from school as a family, we ask that family events are scheduled in school holidays where possible. Where this is not possible, we ask that you note the following procedures for early leave and requests for absence.

Early leave throughout the day should be noted in the ManageBac message for that day no later than 08:30.  Please come to the Primary Office to pick up your child and sign out.  You will receive a dismissal slip to give to security upon exiting the building. 

In cases of planned absence during school time, we ask that you speak to us via email or in person.  To request an absence for: 

  • One school day, please contact the classroom teacher.
  • Up to and including 5 school days, please contact the Primary School Deputy Principal.
  • More than 5 school days, please contact the Primary School Principal.  

Please find a short tutorial on how to mark an Attendance Excusal on ManageBac located on the intranet here.


Communications and Sharing Learning With Parents

We strive to provide you with relevant and timely information and ask that you check these three main sources of updated information regularly:

  • Primary School Google Calendar: While you will receive an overview of some of the important dates for key events in the newsletter and during the Class Community Evening (Tuesday 6 September), the Primary School Google Calendar on the intranet lists events, trips, and deadlines throughout the year.  It is updated regularly so please be sure to check in on it throughout the year. Click here to subscribe to the calendar on Google or check the Primary School home page on the Intranet.
  • ManageBac:  We continue to use ManageBac to share learning information, general grade level and single-subject updates, and announcements with parents.  Information about current units of study and other grade level information will be shared through the Parent Communications tab once a week.  Please make sure your notification settings in ManageBac have been enabled so that you receive these updates.  You may also wish to download the ManageBac app for iOS and Android devices.  Individual student learning will be shared through the new portfolio feature in ManageBac.  More information about this will be shared in the coming weeks. 
  • Weekly Primary Parent Newsletter:  You will receive Primary School-wide information every Friday afternoon delivered to your email.  The archives of newsletter throughout the year can be found here.
  • Seesaw Portfolios:  The Primary School continues to use Seesaw digital portfolios to provide a window into your child’s learning in class.  We will be sending the annual consent form for Seesaw during the first week of school and we ask you to return it as soon as possible so that we can set up your child’s portfolio right away. 
  • Student Reports and Conferences:  The Primary School shares formal reports on your child’s progress and attainment twice a year (January Progress Report and the June End of Year report).  We also offer opportunities for one-on-one and student-led  conferences twice a year.  Further details to come about this year’s conferences in the next newsletter.  Of course, we are also available to answer any questions you may have, so please see your Class Teachers, Grade Leaders and all of us in the Primary Offices (open 7.45 – 16.30) if you need help.
  • PYP Curriculum Information Workshops:  To raise awareness about learning and well-being programmes in the Primary School, we invite parents to attend our many PYP Curriculum Information Sessions throughout the year.  A list of sessions and dates will be published shortly.


Important Forms

On the first day of school, we will be sending home a couple of important forms which we request are returned as soon as possible - preferably by Friday 27 August.

  • Seesaw Consent Form:  allows us to create your child’s portfolio for the year and get you connected to view and comment on your child’s portfolio contributions.
  • Pick-Up form ELC- G2:  authorises other caregivers to pick up your child(ren) from dismissal.
  • VIS Calendar

To register for bus and catering services, please click here.  If you require a new student ID card (Grades 1-5 students only), please click here for the form, print, attach a passport-sized photograph and send to the Primary Office with your child.  Information about the public transportation system in Vienna including the reduced fare ticket is available here

Forms for the Mother Tongue Programme, After School Activities and Sports, and VISMA will come in the forthcoming weeks.

New Primary Staff Members :

Suzanne Bruning - Drama Teacher : "Hello VIS Primary Parents! In July 2022 I arrived in the beautiful city of Vienna, after teaching in the Netherlands, Suriname, Ghana and Rwanda. My name is Suzanne Bruning and I will be teaching drama to grades 1 to 5. My students will know me as Ms. Suzanne, and I am looking forward to getting to know them better in the drama classroom. Together we will explore imagination, creativity, story telling, physical acting/movement, and improvisation. Students will develop their confidence and self awareness during our lessons and have fun while doing that!

I graduated in 2007 as a Performer in acting and singing (MusicTheater Academy Rotterdam) and in 2014 as a teacher in Theater (Theater Academy Maastricht). Together with my husband Joas and children Maria (Grade 1) and Gideon (ELC) I am happy to get to know the VIS Community better and meet you wherever possible!"


Overview of teams for the year

We have changed the number of homerooms slightly this year with 2 ELC classes, 3 Grade Primary classes, 4 Grade 1-4 classes and 5 grade 5 classes. Please find the overview of the grade level teams and departments here.  This page includes information on Grade Level teaching teams, what to bring for the first day, and further general information that you may need about the grade level as well as curricular programme information in single-subject areas.  


Extended Day Programme - ELC to G5

Parents of students in ELC to G5 who require supervision for their child after the core school day finishes at 14:55 can place them in the Extended Day Programme.  The fee is 18 euros per day and the programme runs from 15:00 to 17:30 with snacks included.  Details of the programme along with a registration form for regular attendance can be found on the intranet here.  Should you wish to register your child for the programme, please contact Ralph De Ocampo (rdeocampo(at) - 0676 897 300 254).  Should you require the supervision on the first day of school, please copy your child’s class teacher into the email notifying Ralph. Students attending EDP can be picked up from the ELC Aula. 


Extra-Curricular Programmes

The VIS typically has a range of extra-curricular activities and sports after school that enrich the overall programme. Details of these programmes (After School Activities, Sports, VISMA, and the Mother  Tongue) are forthcoming, however, they will not be operational in the first weeks of school.  Only the Extended Day Programme will be available from the first day of school for students in grades ELC to Grade 5.


Primary Library - Summer Loans and Start of Classes

The Primary Library looks forward to opening its doors again when we return from the summer break. Students can bring their summer loans back on the first few days of school. Bins will be located outside the Primary Library. The Library will need time to process these and return them to the shelves. The Library will reopen for circulation and classes the week of 30 August. 


Show your Panther Pride!

We return this year with a renewed emphasis on restoring a sense of safety, a strong focus on well-being, and a commitment to building a caring and positive school community.  While the past two years have seen its share of challenges, the start of this year presents a real opportunity to build a sense of inclusion and belonging - the essential preconditions to learning and reaching our potential.  

In doing so, we will be having a strong focus on expectations for behaviour and conduct across school settings, as represented by demonstrating our “Panther Pride”.  As you and your child prepare to come back to school, you’re encouraged to have a reflective conversation together about what it means to demonstrate their pride in the VIS community when they respect themselves, others and the environment in different contexts.  Here is a link to the Code of Conduct to review with your child.  

We will also be taking time over these first few weeks to discuss and model what it looks like, sounds like and feels like when we demonstrate our “Panther Pride” and will continually share this with you as we work together to further strengthen our vibrant, diverse and caring learning community.


Message from the Principals

Dear Secondary Community, 

We hope you have all had a restful summer break and were able to enjoy time with family and friends. Time has flown by and it is hard to believe that we will be welcoming all students back to campus on Tuesday, 23 August. We are excited to have everyone back on campus. We would like to take this opportunity to share some important information for the first week of school. 

Orientation for New Families

Monday, 22 August is our new student orientation day. Students who are new to VIS have been sent information from the Admissions office. We are looking forward to meeting new students and parents.  All returning VIS students have their first day at school on Tuesday, 23 August.

First Day of School

On Tuesday, 23 August all students return to school. If for any reason a student will not be present on the first day, please ensure that an attendance excusal is submitted on ManageBac. Students should arrive at school and go to their homeroom classes. Information will have been shared on ManageBac (see below).

There will also be homeroom lists posted in the Mall. Students should bring material they will need. Please don't forget to bring laptops and a padlock (key preferred over combination)for lockers.  It is advisable to also bring an extra key to leave with the homeroom teacher to avoid having to cut locks off in case of a lost key.  


ManageBac goes live again for parents and students on Monday, 22 August. Please be aware that we are still in the process of assigning new students to classes and so student timetables may be incomplete or there may be last-minute changes to timetables. If there are any questions regarding timetables, your child should talk to their Homeroom teacher on Tuesday, the first day of school. Please remember that if any of your contact details have changed over the summer please write change(at) to update your contact details. 

We hope you enjoy your last week of the holidays. We look forward to seeing all the students on Tuesday, 23 August.

Warm Regards,

Marc Starr - Secondary Principal mstarr(at) 

Eileen Rueth - Secondary Deputy Principal jrueth(at)

Derrick Devenport -  Secondary Deputy Principal ddevenport(at)



The traditional back to school parent information sessions will occur during the first full week of school. All events will be held online and detailed instructions, and links will be sent in the newsletter next week. These sessions should answer any questions and concerns you may have and will also provide information with regards to our Activity Week and associated trips. 

If you are a new parent or interested in learning more about the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) or Diploma Programme (IB DP) please join us for our introductory online curriculum nights:

Tuesday, September 6

MYP (Grades 6-10) –  6:00 - 7:00. Video call link:

 DP (Grades 11 - 12) – 7:00 – 8:00. Video call link:

These presentations are intended to be introductory overviews of the IB programmes. Time will be included for Q & A at the end of the presentations and we will be happy to offer additional follow-up sessions as needed.


Dear VIS Community,

Welcome to a new ECO school year at VIS!

We have been reaccredited again as an Eco School by the Foundation for Environmental Education this past June! We are very proud to be considered a ‘model school’ and are ready to continue working towards the restoration of our planet.

At VIS we are committed to our Eco Agenda and therefore, we would like to invite you to work together in our aim to achieve a sustainable lifestyle. Remember that every little effort makes a difference!

For any further information about how to be involved and support our Eco efforts, please send us an email to: ecoschool(at) Thank you.

Looking forward to welcome our students next week!

The Eco Team

Welcome back VIS community, we’re excited to be welcoming you all back onsite next week. The Sports and Activities department is thrilled to announce that the extra curricular activities will begin with Monday, 29 August 2022. We are currently finalising details, and will soon share a detailed schedule of the activities available, how you can register your child, etc. For now, please see below the list of extra-curricular activities offered by VIS this year. Please note that we will also be available to meet with all new students and parents this Monday, 22 August in the Dining room, so please pop over for chat should you have a query. If you have any immediate concerns, please contact us via activities(at)

Tanya Hanzlmeier,

Sports and Activities Coordinator

Programme Registration starts Registration ends Programme starts Programme Information
Mother Tongue Programme including Latin  Please contact the teacher directly - w/o 29 August

VISMA/ Instrumental Music Programme w/o 29 August Friday, 2 Sep Monday, 5 Sep

Competitive Sports w/o 22 August 26 August w/o 29 August

After School Activities w/o 22 August 26 August w/o 29 August

Performing Arts w/o 22 August - w/o 29 August

Extended Day Programme Monday, 22 August - Monday, 29 August




Lunch Service Transportation Service

Please find HERE the lunch service details for your information and action.

If any questions, please contact: andrew.warren(at)

Please find HERE the transportation service details for your information and action.

Please contact vis(at) for further questions. 

Welcome and Save the Date!

Dear VIS families, welcome back to the new school year! Please join us at the PTA Welcome Coffee Morning on Tuesday, 30 August at 08:30. Also, save the date for the first PTA meeting which is going to be in September 7 and the PTA Welcome Picnic (Saturday, 3 September, 14:00-17:00)!

We look forward to catching up with the returning families and meeting the new families. Let's have an exciting year ahead!


The PTA Team

Welcome back! The PTA Shop will be open:

  • Orientation Day - Monday, 22 August, 08:30 – 12:00
  • First day of school - Tuesday, 23 August, 08:30 – 10:00
  • Thursday, 25 August, 14:45 – 16:15 
  • Tuesday, 30 August, 08:30 – 10:00
  • PTA Welcome Picnic - Saturday, 3 September, 14:00 – 17:00

For more information about our products, please see the flyers attached.

No card payments possible. Cash only please. 

Want to join the PTA-Shop team? Looking forward to meeting you! 

See you soon! 

The PTA-Shop team



Welcome New Families!

Are you looking to connect with other families at VIS who can answer your questions, help point you in the right direction and get your family acquainted with the community?

We can set you up with an established family who will  help guide you towards a successful and positive experience in our welcoming and diverse community.

Simply email the New Family Welcome Programme (newfamily(at) today, or click the link below for the Request Form, and we will assist you.


Volunteers ALWAYS Needed! 

We are constantly seeking amazing and knowledgeable volunteer families for the New Family Welcome Programme!

ANY family who has a bit of extra time and can help a new family feel welcome at VIS please join us. We REALLY need your help. ALL COUNTRIES/NATIONALITIES, ALL GRADES. 

You will be added to our growing list of amazing families who act as the first point-of-contact with a new family when they request a welcoming family to connect with.

New families are matched with current VIS families based on their specifications requested. Sometimes new families wish to be matched with a volunteer family who has a child in the same grade level or with a family from the same home country. We try our best to match families as closely as possible, but we are continually in need of volunteers from ALL GRADE LEVELS and ALL COUNTRIES/ NATIONALITIES.

If you would like to volunteer with the New Family Welcome Programme, simply click below to fill out the form. We look forward to working with you!

Kind Regards,

Heather Smith & Erica Hansford

Coordinators | PTA NFWP (New Family Welcome Programme)



Another school year lies ahead of us and we, Stefanie and Katharina, have already started to plan the first Culture Club events.

We both are excited to organize trips to fantastic museums of Vienna, its historical venues and hidden treasures. 

You will find all our updates, information and sign up forms regularly posted in this section of the newsletter. Additionally we do have our Culture Club What’sApp group where we share ideas of what to explore in Vienna and its neighbourhood. If you would like to be part of it please contact us via cultureclub(at) .

We are happy to announce our latest idea for this year. There will be a special “Newcomers Tour” for parents only who have just started to join our school community this year. Watch out for an email with all details.

We are looking forward to welcoming you back or getting to know you while exploring this fantastic city!

See you soon and take care,

Stefanie and Katharina


Follow Us

If you haven't done so already, please click on one or more of the icons below, to join our social media channels. Follow our channels to see nice pictures and updates from every day school life, announcements and school initiatives that we are proud of. Thank you for following VIS!  


If you do not wish to receive the newsletters from us, please notify us by emailing unsubscribe(at)