Student Welfare
Student Safeguarding
As a part of our duty of care, Vienna International School believes it is our moral and statutory responsibility to keep students safe. VIS is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare, both physically and social-emotionally, of every student while on campus and during school-related activities off campus.
VIS is accredited by both the Council of International Schools and Middle States Accreditation for Colleges and Schools. In order to receive these accreditations the school must meet the highest standards of student safeguarding. All reports of child welfare will be handled (in partnership with the relevant authorities, if appropriate), in line with the VIS Child Protection Policy.
VIS Safeguarding and Child Protection Approach
- Embeds the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990) in its approach to student safeguarding.
- Two Child Protection/ Student Safeguarding Officers who work with a team of counselors, administration and, if necessary, outside agencies.
- Prioritizes safeguarding and Child Protection as a priority with a focus of training, education and professional development of all VIS employees and outside service providers on best practices or prevention.
- Employs Safe Recruitment Practices consistent with Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies.
- Committed to supporting school environments that safeguard children through both prevention and intervention.
Council of International Schools (CIS) Child Protection and Safeguarding Statement
We work to ensure our member communities provide comprehensive, effective education and support for children and young adults, focused on their physical, social and emotional well-being. Together with a team of global experts, we provide child protection training, resources, and support to our school and university leaders. We empower them to learn how to educate their communities and develop capacity to prevent and manage all aspects of abuse.
Talking about child abuse is not easy. Although it may be uncomfortable, it is critical to start the discussion in international school communities. The ease of mobility that international work provides, coupled with weak recruitment practices, different cultural norms and underdeveloped legal systems in various countries can make international education communities prime targets for child abusers. At CIS, we purposefully foster open discussion with our members and have invested to increase the knowledge of our staff to consider the role we all have in keeping students safe.
In addition to integrating new practices into our member services, we have created a series of workshops to raise awareness and improve practices within schools and universities. Abuse encompasses a range of behaviour including neglect, bullying, emotional, physical and sexual abuse, and exploitation. Through our work with law enforcement officials, investigators, lawyers, medical doctors, and psychologists, we’ve grown our expertise in specific types of abuse, its origins, the resulting risks and realities for international communities.
Central and Eastern European Schools Association (CEESA) Child Protection and Safeguarding Statement
- Safeguarding and Child Protection is a priority for every CEESA School.
- CEESA commits to supporting school environments that safeguard children through both prevention and intervention.
- CEESA works in cooperation with international agencies to ensure standards associated with best practices are regularly reviewed, revised and applied in all operations, activities and events.
- CEESA leaders honour and uphold child protection guidelines and procedures, in partnership with all stakeholders in their respective school communities.
All CEESA schools will:
- Actively uphold the CEESA Safeguarding and Child Protection Statement
- Implement School based Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies and Procedures that includes regular onsite training
- Employ Safe Recruitment Practices consistent with Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies
- Educate students and adults on Safeguarding and Child Protection
The General Data Protection Regulation
Vienna International School has adopted the General Data Protection Regulation or the GDPR. By this statement, Vienna International School is seeking to inform employees, students, parents, business partners and suppliers of its commitment to proper data protection practice and its ongoing compliance to the GDPR.
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became effective on 25 May 2018 and has brought considerable changes to data protection law across the European Economic Area. Vienna International School has ensured compliance with data protection law and can confirm that VIS has:
- A registered Data Protection Officer.
- Embedded GDPR requirements into policies and day-to-day activities.
- Implemented technical measures to ensure GDPR compliance.
- Documented and recorded compliance measures.
- Scheduled comprehensive internal training for GDPR compliance.