Performing Arts
The Music Programme is essentially practical and creative. Students in all grades are encouraged to develop their own individual skills and interests in music as well as expand their broad base of expertise and musical knowledge. The curriculum focuses on performing, composing and listening skills.
We offer various additional programmes for students, that are further interested: Middle School Choir, High School Choir, Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced Band, Jazz Band as well as the String Ensemble, Guitar Ensemble and VISMA Instrumental Programme.

Visual Arts
We offer a complete programme starting in the Primary School and progressing through to IB Visual Arts in the Secondary school. Art students develop the following understandings in the four strands of visual art:
- Creative processes
- Elements and principles of art and design
- Reflection and appreciation
- Visual art in society

“I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.” Oscar Wilde
Drama is recognized as a subject that benefits the learning and development of children. There are three main strands to the effective use of drama: a means to build children’s confidence and develop their social skills; a teaching approach for exploring cross-curricular subjects and issues, and an aid in developing children’s performance and self-presentation skills. These strands often overlap or interact.

The Primary Choir is an after school activity open to all students in Grade 3-5. Students rehearse Tuesdays 15:15-16:15 in the primary music rooms, preparing for concerts and events throughout the year.
The Primary Drama Production Club rehearses after school on Wednesdays from 15:15-16:30 and is open to all students in Grade 5. Students develop their performance skills and collaborate towards a production in April.
Each year, the Secondary School produces a large theatrical show in December - alternating a musical or a drama performance. These include students from G6-G12. Rehearsals run after school and students are encouraged to engage in all aspects of the production: from acting to stage design, from sound and light to publicity, from making costumes to make up, etc. The play for this school year is the popular comedy Little Shop of Horrors.
As a modern art form, film emphasises the importance of visual imagery, technology and communication. VIS was the first school in Europe to pilot the IB Diploma Film course in 2001, which has since become an established subject in both the MYP and IB Diploma programmes. Film is currently available to G9-G12.