Student Counselling
Student counselling is a service provided by qualified counsellors who help address concerns that may be interfering with student learning and assists students with developmental and situational difficulties. At the Secondary level, the counsellor also facilitates and supervises a variety of on-going peer to peer programmes, such as the VIS Ambassadors, Peer Tutoring (academic support) and Peer Coaching (social and emotional support).
This programme works in two phases.
Firstly, new students will be sent an email from one of our existing students. Where possible this will be in their mother tongue. The letter will include information about the school that our students think it is important for new students arriving at VIS to know.
When new students arrive at VIS for their first day they will then be met by their Homeroom Ambassador. This will be a student in their homeroom that will show them around the school and be their friend and guide over the first few days and weeks of school.
The Homeroom Ambassador’s role is to make your child feel part of the school, and to spend time with them while they begin the process of making connections with the students that will eventually become their friends.
Personal Counselling
The counselling programme is designed to serve and assist the unique needs of international students and their families. While addressing the social and emotional needs of students, our counsellors also act as a bridge between teachers and parents; working to create an environment where every student will have the tools they need to be successful. School counselling helps address concerns that may be interfering with student learning and assists students with developmental and situational type problems.
VIS counsellors provide services to students, parents and school staff through individual counselling, group counselling, mediation, classroom guidance, and consultation and coordination with teachers. VIS counsellors advocate on your child's behalf and can assist in referrals to outside resources including educational physicians, occupational therapists, and psychologists and psychiatrists.
The goal of the Primary school's counsellor is to support your child emotionally and socially in all aspects of the school environment. The counsellor sees students individually, in small groups, in the classroom and in informal settings like the playground and cafeteria. The counsellor assist students with issues such as:
- Joining/Leaving the school
- Self-esteem and friendship skills
- Anger and stress management
- Creative problem solving
- Social issues like bullying
- Traumatic events (divorce or a death in the family)
In addition to helping your child in the school environment, the counsellors is also available to address parental concerns including:
- Settling in and/or moving homes
- Positive discipline strategies
- Homework strategies
- Behavioural issues
Individual meetings can be set up with the counsellor and periodic parenting talks are also offered throughout the school year.
The secondary school years are a rich mix of growth, frustration, promise, disappointment, excitement, and hope. During these years, students discover and question what the future holds for them. The counselling programme at VIS aims to help students achieve personal growth and acquire positive social skills and values as they work through this discovery process. In order to achieve this the secondary school counsellor provide services to students, parents and school staff in the following areas:
- communication
- relationship building skills with peers, parents and teachers
- time management, organisation and study skills
- anger management
- stress management
- anxiety reduction
- transitions
- self-esteem
- identity development
- management of peer pressure
Students requiring on-going therapies are referred to outside professionals in Vienna. The counselling department maintains an up to date list of these people. Individual meetings can be set up with the counsellor and periodic parenting talks are also offered throughout the school year.