Parent-Teacher-Association (PTA)
What is the PTA?
The PTA is a non-profit organization run by parents/guardians, teachers and staff. Monthly PTA meetings are open to everyone and are held to meet and greet, plan and organize fundraising and social events and activities. All members of the community are encouraged to attend and participate in the various clubs and volunteer opportunities. An elected Executive Committee administers the PTA VIS budget and manages activities.
What is the purpose of PTA?
- Plan and organize social events and activities that create, cultivate and celebrate a sense of community at VIS.
- Support school outreach efforts which enhance school programmes and students led initiatives.
- Raise and distribute PTA VIS funds in a purposeful manner to benefit the students and community.
- Advocate for our students and families by promoting good communication between parents, teachers, administration and staff.
The PTA makes a valuable contribution to the promotion of community spirit within the school with the aim of enriching life of the school. PTA activities serve the association's purpose directly and exclusively.
How do I become a member?
It is easy! If you are a parent/guardian, teacher or staff of VIS and you would like to get involved, simply email ptachair(at)ptavis.com to have a signup form sent or sign up using the QR code in the Octagon PTA Notice Board. There are no membership fees to pay.
How does the PTA serve the Community?
Much of what makes VIS strong is the warm, welcoming community. The New Family Welcome Programme matches existing school families with new families to help ensure a smooth transition at VIS. Once you are newly enrolled in VIS, you can join the Programme and be connected to a VIS family that can offer support to you during your transition to a new school/country. Please contact newfamily(at)ptavis.com if you are joining or considering joining our community and would benefit from hearing more about life at VIS and Vienna.
Welcome Back Picnic, PTA Rocks, Coffee Mornings, Winter Market, Bingo Family Afternoon,Second Hand Book Fair, and Summer Bazaar.
Culture Club, Walkie Talkie, Running Talkie, Book Club,Cooking Club and German Conversation Club
PALSS is the Parent Association of Learning Support Students. If your children receive learning support services at VIS, or you think they may need it in the future, please join us and be connected with our supportive and resource-sharing community by writing to palss(at)ptavis.com
Interesting and educational seminars are organized by the PTA for our community throughout the year. In the past we have hosted seminars on parenting, nutrition and third culture kids. More recently, to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of VIS location on Strasse der Menschenrechte 1,we held a seminar “How VIS Works”
PTA grants programme provides grants to teachers and students to enrich the experiences of our students, teachers and community.
We sell VIS logo clothing and accessories to boost community spirit. Funds raised by these sales support PTA community events and enhance the VIS learning programme.
We sell food, snacks, and drinks after school. Raised funds goes to support enriching the competitive sports programme at VIS.
Parent representatives from each class in the Primary School support the teacher and share relevant information with the other parents. They may also organise an end of year gift for teachers and social events.
Parent representatives from each grade level offer social opportunities for parents to meet which adhere to the PTA WA chat group to help answer questions relevant to every grade level and across.
Why join our Parent-Teacher-Association?
Parent and teacher contributions of time and expertise strengthen and add vitality to our community. Join our Facebook page to get an idea about the many activities we organise and sponsor, and if it appeals to you and you want to contribute to our community it's easy, send a quick email to: ptachair(at)ptavis.com and join the PTA.

Why should you get involved?
It's fun!
Why should you get involved?
You, such as your child in school, can find a home away from home at PTA.
Why should you get involved?
You'll be part of a network!
Why should you get involved?
You can learn from and grow with the PTA!
Why should you get involved?
You'll make a difference!
Why should you get involved?
It's good for your child!
Why should you get involved?
You meet lovely people!
Why should you get involved?
You'll be a role model for your own kids.
Why should you get involved?
There is always a place for you to get involved!
Why should you get involved?
You can help from home or from school!