Social Emotional Learning and Pastoral Care
Caring for students’ social and emotional needs is a critical component of the VIS commitment to building a culture of care and living our mission statement.
Guiding students as they build capacity in self management and relationship skills, social and self awareness, and responsible decision making, is an essential aspect of learning and helps to support academic success.
Building community is a school-wide effort. All staff members have a duty of care to create an environment of belonging where each student is known and has a trusted adult in the school.
In Primary School the child’s classroom teacher provides the point of first contact for students and parents. Additionally, each grade level is supported by a grade level leader, and the social emotional counselors. In the Secondary School each student has a support network including a grade level leader, an advisor, social emotional counselors, university counselors and curriculum leader for student learning support.
The social emotional curriculum is evidence based, comprehensive, age-appropriate and addresses the students' social and emotional development.