On Thursday, 20 May, the Vienna International School (VIS) celebrated the International Bee Day, a day which provided the context to point out and celebrate our students' actions to ensure the biodiversity of our planet. Being the first international Eco school in Austria, VIS believes it is important to raise awareness on the essential importance that bees and other insects play in the pollination process, thus keeping the planet balanced and healthy.
Our School is most proud about the delivering of education for sustainability to its 1400 students of more than 100 nationalities. With guidance from the three outstanding organizations (Eco Schools, Global Schools and the Austrian Umweltzeichen), Vienna International School designs a learning experience that empowers the students to be mindful of different global problems and to bring their active small or bigger contribution to solving those problems.
The Primary Choir and the Rock Band enchanted the people present with some special songs prepared for the occasion, while other young primary students dedicated self-written poems to the pollinators and held very convincing speeches about the importance of pollination, biodiversity and recycling. Finally, the moment which created the most joy among students was learning the classes winning the colorful Pinatas that the Parent-Teacher-Association (PTA) kindly created to award the most outstanding actions of involvement.
Happy Bee Day!