Congratulations, Class of 2021

With great pride, we recognise the Class of 2021.

On Saturday, 29 May, Vienna International School (VIS) celebrated the graduation of the Class of 2021. 

Despite having many of the rituals associated with completing school cancelled due to the COVID-19, the School was happy to welcome back the graduates and their families for a final celebration and farewell. In addition to having the students on site for a short graduation celebration, the School honoured the students by putting together a Graduation video comprising the speeches of the School Leadership team, Grade 12 Level Leader and Grade 12 Student Elected Speaker, along with other respected teachers presenting the student awards, coming to honor the outstanding academic and philanthropic performances.

Despite having been confronted with two very challenging school years caused by the pandemic, we are happy to report that all members of the Class of 2021 met their requirements for the High School Diploma and are now official graduates of Vienna International School. Moreover, the results for the May 2021 examination session brought forward excellent results: 96% of our candidates passed the IB Diploma with an average 36 points scored. Additionally, four candidates scored perfect 45 points. Finally, we are happy to report that 97% of our students are entering their first or second choice university.

With great pride, we recognise the Class of 2021 for their excellent IB results achieved during the most exceptional of times, and send them our very best wishes for a wonderful future.