End of September, Vienna International School celebrated the Peace Day, as part of our commitment to support in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and particularly for this week, Goal No. 16 ‘Peace, justice and strong institutions’.
Students, faculty and staff were encouraged to wear white as a sign for their support for promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development.
Throughout the morning, students were exhibiting peace posters and activity boards in school to show their commitment to the cause and to motivate others to make their own pledge for peace which then were written on white dove cutouts and placed alongside the others.
The Peace Day marked the first in a series of Global Action Days this year which should highlight VIS’ understanding of a shared community awareness and to be sensible to concerns and acquiring the skills to make an effective contribution to society.
We thank the school community for their contribution in supporting this important cause by wearing white on Wednesday and for getting involved in making their own pledge for peace.