Dr. Siva Kumari visited the Primary School and shared her story of education with students. In 2014 she started her tenure as the seventh Director General of the International Baccalaureate (IB) in January 2014 and is the first woman to hold the post.
Siva joined the IB in April 2009 as Regional Director for Asia-Pacific, responsible for services to schools in the Asia Pacific region of the IB. In May 2010, she was named the first Chief Operating Officer of the IB located in Bethesda, USA, responsible for IB regions worldwide. In this role, she led a global team responsible for providing high quality cost-effective educational services that included authorization and evaluation of schools; professional development; research including programme validation and programme impact studies and university recognition.
She has a bachelor of science degree from India, a master’s degree from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, and holds a doctorate in education from the University of Houston, Texas, USA. Siva has served on a wide range of local, national and international professional advisory boards and committees: Only in 2002 she created the Advanced Placement Digital Library for science teachers, serving as Chair of the National Science Digital Library Conference.
VIS was very honoured to have been able to spend time with Siva Kumari and hear her encouraging words towards our students!