Project Centipede is a nonprofit charity organisation that coordinates a bi-yearly collection of consumables for Romanian orphans and foster-families. The Vienna International School (VIS) has continued to make many donations in supporting this worthy cause from 1990, and this year was no different.
The community of Vienna International School donated hundreds of consumable items, sanitary products and stationery items for the Romanian orphans and foster-care families from 1-10 April 2019. A team of Grade 11 students has coordinated and led the collection as their charitable project.
The collection will be taken to Romania between 8-12 May and VIS will send four student members of the Project Centipede team to help distribute the collected items to the orphans. The students will then share their story of the journey with their peers and will encouraged a new group of students to take over the challenge as a part of their community projects for the next school year.
The community projects help students bridge a gap between individualised academic school learning and the notion of contributing to the local and global communities they are a part of. It also helps students see how their learning can benefit the community, and how the community can contribute to their learning. This approach gives our students exposure to the diverse world around them and allows them to apply their classroom learning and skills to making a difference.
We thank all Vienna International School students, families and teachers who brought contributions to this worthy cause that our school is supporting for almost thirty years.
Please visit the Projekt Tausendfüßer Website for further information about Project Centipede.