Now What 2024/2025

Dear Parents or Guardians, 

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you as new members of the school community. We are proud of the long tradition that the school has for providing a caring learning environment for young people from around the world, and hope that you will soon get to experience it for yourselves.

As you are about to join the VIS community in August, we would like to give you access to more vital information about our school in the communication below. Please take some time to read through all sections so that you are well prepared for your child's first day of school.

During the New Student Orientation Day, our students will be introduced to both Primary and Secondary School procedures for the first few days of school. We also recommend that you check out the details regarding the New Family Programme, which is offered by our Parent-Teacher-Association (PTA) to help with your transition to Vienna.

We look forward to meeting you for the New Student Orientation Day on Monday, 26 August 2024. Please see more detailed information on the New Student Orientation Day schedules below and ensure to meet us there.



The New Student Orientation Day takes place on Monday, 26 August 2024. This day provides an opportunity to assist our new students and their families with transitioning into the VIS community so they can have a positive start. To support this transition, students and their families will have the chance to meet with their class teachers as well as other staff and students, familiarize themselves with the facilities and receive some important information on the VIS services in advance of the first day of school:

  • Extra-Curricular Programmes
  • Extended Day Programme
  • Catering 
  • Transportation – company Blaguss
  • PTA (Parent Teacher Association)

Please see the overview of the day below and feel free to email Admissions admissions(at) if you have any questions.

Primary School families will arrive to school according to the staggered starting times listed below:  

  • Early Learning Centre (08:30)
  • Grade Primary (09:00)
  • Grade 1 (09:30)
  • Grade 2 (10:00)
  • Grade 3 (10:30)
  • Grade 4 (11:00)
  • Grade 5 (11:30)

Please proceed down the Mall and follow the signs towards your child's grade level table and check in with one of our New Student Ambassadors seated at the marked tables. Our Ambassador team and staff will be on hand to help guide you to classes where you will meet the classroom teacher, ELA teachers, counsellors and Learning Support staff.  Afterwards, they will take you on a tour of the school. The orientation should last approximately 75 minutes.  

Grade 4 and 5 Student Laptops

New Grade 4 and Grade 5 students are asked NOT to bring their laptop to school on the New Student Orientation day.  All Grade 4 students bring laptops to school on Monday, 2 September, not before. This time allows the class teachers and digital learning integrator to complete a series of lessons on Internet safety guidelines, strong passwords lesson, Gmail use guidelines and more.

Grade 5 students should bring laptops on the first day of school Tuesday, 27 August. Students should also bring clearly named headphones, rather than ear pods (which can be easily lost and usually use Bluetooth).

A Guide to Vienna for New Students

Be sure to check out the Primary Student Council's Guide to Vienna for New Students - produced by students, for students.


Grade 6 -  Grade 8 students will meet in the Octagon at 08:30, with their laptops. Parents will meet in the Theatre for a brief Welcome New Parents presentation with the Secondary administration. Grade Level Leaders will also be available to meet with you and to hand out the parent ID cards.

During the morning, students will meet with their Grade Level Leader, and have an opportunity to tour the school with a student from their Advisory. They will also set up their laptops, ready for the first day of school.

Please be aware that the planned MAP assessment for Grade 6 – Grade 8 students will no longer be taking place. Students will now be finished by 10:30 and will meet their parents again in the Octagon.

Grade 9 - Grade 12 students will meet in the Octagon at 10:30, with their laptops. Parents will meet in the Theatre for a brief Welcome to New Parents presentation with the Secondary administration. Grade Level Leaders will also be available to meet with you and to hand out the parent ID cards.

During the morning, students will meet with their Grade Level Leader, and have an opportunity to tour the school with a student from their Advisory. They will also set up their laptops, ready for the first day of school. Students will be finished by 12:00 and will meet their parents again in the Octagon.







General information Public
SMS Emergency information (i.e. evacuation drills performed etc.) Directly to parents



Portal to see the student’s individual progress and record attendance excusals

Username & password (provided first day of school)



Portal for all school-related information

Username & password (same as for ManageBac)

Schools Buddy


Portal for extra-curricular registrations


Access and select "Sign in with ManageBac"

Weekly Newsletter Information on upcoming school events Direct email to parents
Parent Teacher Conferences Meet the teachers online and discuss the student’s individual progress Online invitation for registration will be provided close to the event
School Events Family Orientation Morning, Parent Orientation Evenings, General Assembly, Meet with the Director, Curriculum Sessions, Seminars and Workshops, Grade Events, Primary Student Led Conferences, PTA Events VIS Community
School Boards Information on upcoming school events In school 

Social Media

Please follow us!

Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - LinkedIn - Youtube





The VIS Summer Programme is happening throughout the month of July. From Monday, 1 July to Friday, 26 July, we have prepared four fantastic week-long programmes for you to choose from!

For each week you register your child, here is what is awaiting for your child, Monday through Friday:

  • Four lively 90-minute sessions (with at least one dedicated to sports).
  • A refreshing 30-minute lunch break, complete with both vegetarian and meat options, plus a drink.
  • Easy daily registration before 09:00, where your child can pick up a snack bag and we will mark attendance.
  • Plus, we will have a dedicated programme manager and medical staff on-site throughout.

All this for 330 euros per week, which covers the full lunch and snack bag!

If needed, there is an Extended Day Option too! In addition to the regular programme, students can enjoy an extra 90 minutes of structured play, complete with snacks, all for just an extra 60 euros per week.

Ready to sign up? The deadline for registration is Thursday20 June 2024, click HERE to register. Have any questions? Feel free to reach out to us at activities(at) using the subject line "Summer Programme." 

Welcome to the VIS Community! We are excited to have your children join us for the upcoming school year. We want to provide you with important information from the Finance Office:

  1. The currently applicable VIS Fees, Terms, and Conditions 2024-2025 can be found under the Admissions Section of the School’s website.
  2. Invoices for school fees will be sent for each new school year by 30 June for students who are enrolled by that time.
  3. Tuition Payments are due in full by 30 August 2024 (4 weeks from invoice date) unless you have selected the installment plan option upon enrollment. Installment due dates are 30 August, 30 October, 30 January and 30 March for all students except graduating 12th graders with final installment due on 30 January. 
  4. To support you in keeping your account current, you may set up a Direct Debit Authorization or a Standing Payment Order with your bank. Please contact the VIS Finance Manager at financeoffice(at) to assist you with this. 
  5. A late payment fee of 40€ will be charged for past due accounts.
  6. If you have any questions or concerns regarding invoices or payments, please reach out to us at: financeoffice(at)

We look forward to supporting you throughout your child's educational journey. If you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us at: financeoffice(at)

See here the calendar of the School Year 2024/2025

The School follows a cycle with A and B weeks, as presented in the school yearly calendar above. New parents will be provided with the logins to the VIS ManageBac, the main learning platform, where they can find the weekly schedule and other academic information. Parents can use the same credentials to login the VIS Intranet, the school communication platform, to check the extended calendar containing the school events throughout the school year. 



Thank you for providing the pictures necessary for issuing the Parent ID cards.

During Orientation Day, Primary School parents will be receiving their Parent ID badge from their class teacher and Secondary School Parents will be receiving the Parent ID badge from their Grade Level Leaders. 

All parents must wear their VIS ID cards when entering the School premises and on campus. If you do not have a card, then access will be dependent upon providing identification to the security personnel who will issue a Visitor card. 

Please note that the photos uploaded on OpenApply will be used for your and your child's ID cards. Where passport photos are unavailable, ID cards will not be issued. Passport style photos should have the following properties: ratio of 3:4, colour, facing forward and showing the head and top of the shoulders only.


Student ID Cards are required when using Public Transport. They are issued once and renewed at the beginning of the year by the Primary Office. Kindly come to the Primary Office for renewal. You will not receive a new one every year. Please look after it.

If your child is new to school, attach a passport-sized photograph with paper-clip to this completed form, and submit it to the Primary Office in a sealed envelope.

If your child has lost their ID, you must report it missing to a Magistrat office (there is a Magistrat office in every district). The Magistrat will issue a Loss Report (“Verlustmeldung”) which you will have to submit to the Primary Office with a passport sized photograph, and a new student ID will be issued for your child.

If your child’s ID has been destroyed, please bring the destroyed ID to the Primary Office along with a new passport size photo, and a new ID will be issued.

If you have changed your address, you will have to apply for a new ID card. Before applying, you will have to update the School with your new address by sending an email to change(at) Only after you have requested these changes, you can apply for a new ID card.

All Secondary students are required to carry their Student EDU cards (Grades 6 – Grade 12). The cards will automatically be processed by the School before a new student starts school, as long as a suitable (passport format) student photo and a Vienna address have been uploaded to OpenApply. 

The student photo and EDU card will be used for many purposes in the School i.e. entering the school campus, school canteen, etc., and also as the official student ID for Secondary School students. Students starting throughout the academic year must ensure that the passport photo is uploaded at least 2,5 weeks before their first day of school.

However, if your child has lost their ID, you must report it missing to a Magistrat office (there is a Magistrat in every district). The Magistrat will issue a Loss Report (“Verlustmeldung”) which you will have to submit to the Security Office. If the EDU card is damaged or lost, a replacement fee will be charged.

If you have changed your address you will have to apply for a new ID card. Before applying, you will have to update the School with your new address by sending an email to change(at) Only after you have requested these changes you can apply for a new ID card.




Students at Vienna International School are not required to wear an official school uniform, however appropriate clothing for school is expected. Students will dress for school with appropriate consideration and respect for the different cultures and beliefs within our school community. As a learning community, our school is similar to a formal workplace and clothing and shoes should also support the safety requirements of the various areas for learning. Caps or hats for other than religious reasons should not be worn during lessons. 

We encourage students to keep reading over the summer holidays. Although it is not mandatory, not only is indulging in a good novel a great pleasure, but it also helps students to maintain their literacy levels over the summer holidays. Please find attached suggested reading lists for the summer holidays. Many of these titles have been enthusiastically recommended by students themselves. Happy summer reading!

Secondary English Department

Recommended Summer Reading Grade 6 and 7

Reading recommendations from Grade 6 students for Grade 5 students 

Grades 6-8 Reading List

Grades 8-9 Reading List

Grades 10 and up Reading List



At our School, we harness learning and teaching technologies to support inquiring, inspired and involved lifelong learners. To ensure this, we are committed to policies and practices which entrust that our community members:

  1. Are empowered as a learning community to become digitally fluent through safe, balanced and discerning use of digital technologies.
  2. Will have equitable access to authentic learning experiences through the purposeful use of learning and teaching technologies.
  3. Are inspired to inquire, invent and  solve problems in local and global contexts using digital technologies.
  4. Are supported in becoming responsible, self-directed and reflective users of technology through ongoing opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  5. Embrace an open-minded attitude towards working innovatively with digital tools to optimize learning at VIS.

The Connected Learning Programme (CLP) begins with ensuring that all students have access to the right technological tools that are both developmentally appropriate and suitable to the breadth of learning in their area. The table below explains which devices students will access: 

  • Recommended entry level device - MacBook Air  with an English International Keyboard

Families wishing to order a new Macbook can go through our preferred vendor, Tools at Work.  We have worked with them to secure a competitive price and level of support.

Please ensure to order your child’s new laptop in a timely manner so that it arrives in time for your child to bring it to school for the New Student Orientation Day on Monday, 26 August 2024.

While families can opt for platforms not recommended by VIS, the school strongly advises families to choose Apple for the following reasons:

  • Based on the breadth of our curriculum and range of tasks students engage in, applications available through Apple have been most supportive of student learning. Over time, the school has acquired licenses for these applications and shares them with students free of charge through our device management infrastructure, thus eliminating the need for families to find and install the applications themselves.
  • Apple’s OS and the applications we use to support the curriculum are generally developmentally more appropriate and intuitive for children across the school.
  • Teachers at VIS have built up a knowledge base on how best to use such applications to support learning.  Similarly, our IT department has built up the knowledge base and infrastructure to support students on the Mac platform.
  • When properly cared for, Mac's function and perform well over a long period of time. Students need a device that will support their learning over many years and, in our experience, Apple’s devices do so with less need for repair, upgrading or replacement.
  • Finally, Apple also provides a thorough set of parental controls to help support safer, more sensible and responsible use of the device. Parents can easily administer the device, set controls on apps that can be downloaded, set and monitor web activity, and even control screen time. The school works with families to help set up these controls through workshops and other resources.

Grades 4 - 5: Lockable storage and charging trolleys are available for all students in Grades 4 & 5.  Families have the following options when it comes to charging and transportation back and forth between home and school:

  • The student can take the device back and forth between home and school on a regular basis. The charging cable will not be installed in the trolley unless the family purchases a second charging cable and requests it to be installed.
  • The student can take the device home on weekends and holidays. The charging cable will be installed in the trolley at the beginning of the year and returned at the end of the year.
  • The student will not take device home until the end of the year. The charging cable will be installed in the trolley at the beginning of the year and returned at the end of the year. 

Grades 6 - 12: Students can store laptops in their lockers when needed, but they are encouraged to bring them home every night and on holidays. Students are expected to charge their devices at home in preparation for the next day’s learning. 



Dear Parents,

The Medical Department prepared some medical-related recommendations for you upon your family moving to Vienna.

1) Register your child with a pediatrician, not a GP (General Practitioner). The pediatrician is the first point of contact if your child/ren get sick and need medical treatment/attention. The pediatrician issues medical certificates. Confirmation for non-contagious status, physical education excusal notes, and other services.

2) Register the adults in your family with a GP:

  • Writes you off sick from work.
  • Refers you (if necessary) to a specialist.
  • ­­­­­­­Amongst others offers blood checks, infusions, vaccinations, EKG, prescriptions etc.
  • In case you cannot find a pediatrician upon your arrival, the GP offers some basic services for children as well.

When will you need a medical certificate for your child?

  • Medical absences for a period of three days or longer must be supported by a doctor’s sick note.
  • Regular absence for medical or dental treatment must be supported by written notification from a medical practitioner.
  • Communicable disease: If a student is identified with a communicable disease, the School Health Office should be informed immediately. Parents/guardians are advised to provide a doctor’s certificate. Upon the student’s return to school parents/guardians must provide the School Health Office with a doctor’s certificate that the student is no longer contagious.


School Accident - Kindly take note that all student accidents that occur on campus must be reported to the Medical Department immediately. The School must report school accidents to the Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (AUVA) within 5 days.

If your child must go to hospital because of an accident in school, it is advised to go to Lorenz Böhler Unfallkrankenhaus or Unfallkrankenhaus Meidling since both are AUVA hospitals.

All students starting Grade 1 will undertake a physical examination once a year.

If there are any new medical issues or something changes, please contact the Medical Department as soon as possible.

It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to give written permission to the School Health Office for non-prescription and prescription medications that could be taken at school. All medications will be kept in the School Health Office.

It is a parental responsibility to inform the Medical Department of any relevant changes in the student’s medical history/medical regimen.

On the first school day, please bring medication for the student to the Medical Department, which will be stored and given to the student if needed.

Medical Department is closed during summer holidays and it reopens on Monday19 August.

The general email address is: medicaldepartment(at) The School Doctor is Denise Stiegler - dstiegler(at)

Please note that the doctor will not be available to answer school-related emails during the school holidays.



Here at VIS we offer a full range of activities. For all grade levels we have creative, musical, academically influenced and sporting groups. We understand that learning happens in the classroom, and feel strongly that the Extra-Curricular Programmes come to support a student’s holistic development. We have designed our programmes to offer each student a space for them to succeed by reaching their individual potential. 

Our Sports and Activities team offers an extensive After-School Activities programme for all VIS students from Grade Primary - Grade 12. With a great variety of activities to choose from, Primary School students can remain on campus until 16:15, while the Secondary School students have later options.

We prioritise safety and play in all the activities, as we believe this environment offers the best opportunities for personal enrichment and growth. 

Registrations for the After-School Activities will open on 28 August 2024; the activities will start on Monday, 2 September 2024.

More details in regard to the After-School Programme and the registration process will be available on the New Student Orientation Day and in the weekly newsletter, as well as school Intranet*.

*access to the Intranet platform will be provided at the beginning of the school year.

The purpose of the VIS Competitive Sports Programme is to extend and supplement the regular curricular programmes of the school. Its aim is not only to promote excellence in sporting achievements, but also to cultivate the qualities of good sportsmanship. We focus specifically on school pride, respect, team work and above all, commitment.

The VIS Competitive Sports Programme gives students the opportunity to compete against both international and local schools. We are members of two sports associations. One, within the Danube Valley Athletic Conference (DVAC), which allows to compete with schools from Salzburg, to Prague to Budapest. As well as the wider reaching ISAA -International School Athletic Association, that includes schools from England, Europe  and northern Africa. Based on these associations, our programme is divided into three seasons and three age categories. Season 1 is the Fall, Season 2 is Winter and Season 3 is Spring. We have boys and girls for most sports. We have Middle school (MS) Grade 6 - Grade 8 and High School (HS) Grade 9 -  Grade 12.

We consider this programme an integral part of your child's education, and hope that you will encourage your child to take part. Here is the list of what is offered at VIS in 2023-2024:

  • Season 1: HS Boys and Girls Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country Running, HS Boys Rugby, MS Girls and Boys Soccer, Cross Country.
  • Season 2: MS and HS Girls and Boys Basketball, Swimming and Alpine Skiing, HS Boys Rugby.
  • Season 3: MS and HS Girls and Boys Track & Field, Golf, MS Boys and Girls Volleyball, Girls and Boys Rugby.
  • All year/part of the year:  Recreational Badminton, as well as the additional Off-season trainings for all sports outside of their official season.
  • Offsite with external coaching:  Tennis, swimming, sailing and horse-riding.

More details in regard to the Competitive Sports Programme and the registration process will be available on the New Student Orientation Day and in the weekly newsletter, as well as school Intranet*.

*access to the Intranet platform will be provided at the beginning of the school year.

The Extended Day Programme provides VIS students from ELC - Grade 5 a welcoming and inclusive programme of supervised care and age-appropriate activities which support their learning and well-being outside the core school day. For families requiring supervision for their children after 14:55, VIS offers a fee-based afternoon supervision and care option from 15:00 to 17:30. A healthy snack and drink are provided through the school’s catering provider. 

The Extended Day Programme will start on 27 August 2024.

More details in regard to the Extended Day Programme and the registration process will be available on the New Student Orientation Day and in the weekly newsletter, as well as school Intranet*.

*access to the Intranet platform will be provided at the beginning of the school year.



VIS was a pioneer amongst international schools in recognizing the importance of additive bilingualism - that is, the continuing development of our students‘ home languages while at the same time learning the school language of English. A large number of research studies show very clearly that bilingualism can increase children’s language abilities and help their progress in school. Both the Primary and Secondary School at VIS are truly international in that the majority of our students speak a language other than English as their first language. Across the School, the Mother Tongue programme has students from Grade Primary - Grade 12 learning in around 30 different languages.

More details in regard to the Mother Tongue Programme and the registration process will be available on the New Student Orientation Day and in the weekly newsletter, as well as school Intranet*.

*access to the Intranet platform will be provided at the beginning of the school year.


Latin classes are taught in English, based on the international course programme of the Cambridge Latin Course. The curriculum of the 4-year Latin programme at VIS usually starts in Grade 7. The Diploma at the end of Grade 10 is officially recognized as Austrian Matura Equivalence in the subject Latin. Latin is also a prerequisite for the study of certain subjects at university, especially in Austria (law, medicine, languages, history etc.)

More details in regard to the Latin Programme and the registration process will be available on the New Student Orientation Day and in the weekly newsletter, as well as school Intranet*.

*access to the Intranet platform will be provided at the beginning of the school year.


The Vienna International School prides itself on a very strong and successful Extra-Curricular Performing Arts Programme.

From classical music, to jazz, to classical guitar to rock, we offer a variety of musical ensembles so that students have the ability to immerse themselves in the genre that best suits their interests. All ensembles are taught by our faculty of highly qualified and dedicated teachers to guide our students as they work to develop and hone their skills. VIS produces three major concerts in school throughout the year and often performs on the Vienna Music Scene (Musikverein, Peterskirche, etc.)

In addition, the VIS Secondary School has a long history of producing a drama or musical every year. Students are given the opportunity to take responsibility for all aspects of the production, from acting, to set building, to assistant directing, to running the technical aspects of the production.

More details in regard to the Performing Arts Programme and the registration process will be available on the New Student Orientation Day, in the weekly newsletter, as well as school Intranet*.

*access to the Intranet platform will be provided at the beginning of the school year.


We are proud to be able to offer you top class instrumental and vocal tuition by well-qualified instructors on the VIS campus. Last year, we taught over 340 VIS students on 14 different instruments and voice. These students presented their musicianship on numerous occasions, i.e. in concerts, musicals, class recitals, organised school trips as well as in the IB programme.

More details in regard to the VISMA Programme and the registration process will be available on the New Student Orientation Day and in the weekly newsletter, as well as school Intranet*.

*access to the Intranet platform will be provided at the beginning of the school year.



VIS is glad to offer a healthy lunch menu to its students. Our outsourced Catering Service Eurest is supporting us in providing a healthy, nutritionally balanced meal and snacks which are designed to enrich our students' bodies and physical development. 

Several changes have been made to meet the national guidelines and ensure our students' safety during lunch time:

  • Students will be assigned dedicated seating per grade level.
  • An additional Snack Point has been created for Secondary School students to purchase cold snacks during lunch time and break time.
  • More automatic vending machines will be distributed around the building.
  • Additional outdoor seating will be provided for students who want to eat outside.

(You can opt for your child to have contracted lunch or you can prepare packed lunch for your child, at your best convenience.)

Important traffic notice: Please note that Kagran station, heading towards Leopoldau, will be closed for repairs from August 5 to November 24, 2024. When coming to school, students will need to stay on the train for one additional stop to Kagraner-Platz and switch to a train in the opposite direction to get to Kagran. Please plan for an additional 5-10 minutes for this commute at the beginning of the next school year. Additional information can be found here.

Bus information. VIS and its longstanding and experienced transport partner Blaguss reliably ensure that the students get to school safely. Blaguss offers first class bus transport to/from the school. On school days, the VIS school buses ensure punctual, reliable and safe transport in the mornings and afternoons. The bus service covers a wide area within Vienna and Klosterneuburg. This service is offered as an option for all VIS students. For further information, please send an email to Blaguss at bus(at)

Registration platform (routes and price information) HERE

The City of Vienna has a comprehensive public transport system run by the Wiener Linien (Public Transportation Routes). In order to obtain a student transport pass, you need the student ID card, which can only be issued after the school starts. To use the public transport, you can choose from the following ticket options.

Our school is easily reachable by U1 subway, situated right next to the Kagran U-bahn station. 

Please also find here a touristic map of Vienna with practical information issued by Wien Extra, for your information and initial support.



Some of the big questions when moving to a new country or new school are ‘What is the school like?’ and ‘Who will I know?’ Our students understand what this is like as many have experienced this themselves. The VIS Ambassador programme sets out to make sure your child will have the answer to this question.

In the Primary School, new students are supported in their transition on Orientation Day with the help of our Grade 5 Primary Student Ambassadors, Primary School Counselling Team and the Primary School Deputy Principal. Furthermore, new students have the opportunity to  meet periodically throughout the first 8-10 weeks with our Primary School Counsellors to check in and hear about how new students are settling in, whether they are making friends, what they are finding enjoyable and challenging, and to remind them of who they can go to for help when needed. If you have any questions about the Primary Student Ambassador support or counsellor supports for new students, please email the Primary School Counsellors Ms. Morales (mmorales(at) and Ms. Laura Connally (lconnally(at) and/or Primary School Deputy Principal, Mr. Ben Hacking (bhacking(at)

In the Secondary School, new students will be assigned a Homeroom Ambassador on the first day of school. This student will be their key person at VIS as they settle in. They will meet them on the morning of the first full day of school and show them around. The Homeroom Ambassador’s role is to make your child feel part of the school, and to spend time with them while they begin the process of making connections with the students that will eventually become their friends. If you have questions about the VIS Ambassador Programme, please feel free to contact the Secondary School Counsellor, Mrs. Kirsty Hantsch, at khantsch(at)

At the beginning of the Academic year, VIS holds an Activity Week. It is a great opportunity for our students to connect with their new friends and teachers outside of the classroom.

All Secondary School students will be involved in the Activity Week from 9 to 13 September 2024.

Grades 6, 8 and 9 will be away on residential trips from Monday to Friday. These trips involve hiking, team building activities, cultural experiences and more learning activities. Further information will be provided at the start of the school year, as well as at the Parent Information Evenings which are held at the start of the school year. A packing list for these trips can be found here to help you with your planning.

Grades 7, 10, 11 and 12 will be based in Vienna. All parents will receive more information from the Secondary School, including a detailed schedule for the week nearer the time, as well as during our Parent Information Evenings at the start of the school year.



The VIS New Family Programme is coordinated by the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). This popular and important network pairs up new families with an established volunteer family who already has some experience with the school and living in Vienna. The purpose of this programme is to assist you in settling in by answering your questions and helping you to find further information and resources. The family might share the same language, nationality, or have children in the same grades. 

Due to GDPR regulations in Europe, we are not allowed to initiate contact with you for this specific programme via email without your consent. As such, we encourage you to please fill out the New Family Form by following this link so that we can find a suitable liaison to help answer your questions. There is a large network of New Family Welcome Sponsor Families willing and ready to answer your questions as you prepare for your move this summer. In fact, many longtime friendships have been forged from this programme. We would love for you to take advantage of the numerous people willing to help you settle in, for example the PTA meetings that are incorporated in the school's calendar. We are excited to have you as part of the VIS community.

Please join us for the Welcome Picnic on one of the Saturdays in the first weeks of school! In the meantime, please also join our active PTA Facebook page: "PTA VIS" with approximately 800 members! Welcome to VIS!



The VIS Board is charged with strategic planning, policy setting and overall management and administration of the Association in accordance with law and the Statutes. In performing their tasks, Board Members have as their objective the well-understood interests of the Vienna International School and the excellence of education for its pupils. The Board of Governors sees itself a part of the VIS community and invites all members of the community to reach out regarding matters of governance via email at boardofgovernors(at)

The need for good communication between the VIS Board of Governors and the VIS community as a whole is vital to the well-being of the School community. The Board knows that transparency and open communication is required and we trust that these measures will provide for a constructive dialogue. Every year, the School organises a General Assembly where the report of the previous school year will be communicated, along with the future plans and projections. The community is very welcome to participate in the General Assembly, as well to vote for the parents candidates for the opened Board positions.



In order to familiarise yourself with our facilities here at Vienna International School, please take some time to experience our virtual tour. Take a virtual walk through our beautiful premises by

  • following the dots to navigate your way through our school campus and building,
  • choosing from school campus ‘highlights’ at the bottom of the screen,
  • clicking the 'Play' button to have the full 360-experience, or
  • taking a bird’s-eye view of our building by selecting the 'Dollhouse' or 'Floorplan' options.



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