Substitutes and occasional employment opportunities

Vienna International School is always looking for talented individuals who are:

  • interested in replacing a classified employee who is temporarily absent from duty or
  • interested in supporting and/or supervising students during assessments and exams.

We are looking for people who are interested in at least one of the following roles:

  • Substitute Teachers (teaching qualification required!)
  • Substitutes for Educational Support Staff
  • Invigilators
  • Readers and Scribes

Our Substitutes and Occasional Workers are called in as needed and are paid on a per-hour or per-lesson basis. There is no obligation to accept the work offered and no obligation by VIS to offer work.

If you are interested in applying for:

  • Substitute Teacher, please click here
  • Substitute Educational Support Staff and/or Invigilator, Reader & Scribe, please click here

Applications will be reviewed and processed in April and May; suitable applicants will be invited for an interview.

We are looking forward to receiving your application for supporting us in the next academic year.

Thank you!